Elevate the value of your work with Work SaaS®

At Colorkrew, members from around the world create innovative IT services to “make work exciting”.

Work SaaS®でもっと価値あるシゴトを。 Work SaaS®でもっと価値あるシゴトを。

About Us

The colorful team will create the “magic” of IT and deliver it to the world.


採用 採用
23°33’17.0”S 46°39’43.0”W BRAZIL 23°33’17.0”S 46°39’43.0”W BRAZIL

23°33’17.0”S 46°39’43.0”W BRAZIL

35°42’27.0”N 139°47’06.6”E TOKYO,JAPAN 35°42’27.0”N 139°47’06.6”E TOKYO,JAPAN

35°42’27.0”N 139°47’06.6”E TOKYO,JAPAN

採用 採用
52°12’19.9”N 0°06’47.9”E UK

52°12’19.9”N 0°06’47.9”E UK


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