Our Mission, Vision, and Value


Color Your Work with Excitement

We make work more meaningful and exciting for workers around the world and create products that assist them.

Our mission at Colorkrew is to build a society in which people’s lives are enriched by their work,
where individuals are vibrant, and where each person can shine with vigor and vitality.


Provide the world’s most preferred Work SaaS®

Work SaaS® stands for Work Software as a Service, a generic term for “cloud services used in a business or office environment.
We aim to provide our customers with the most popular products in the Work SaaS® field by utilizing our global vision and cutting-edge technology.
We will establish a unique position in the market and strengthen our relationship with customers
by accurately understanding the trends of the times and customer needs,
and providing creative products that focus on the essentials.

For workers around the world, our products will help them activate their work and realize a creative work environment.

With this vision, Colorkrew is committed to continually growing as individuals and as a team to deliver exceptional value to the world.

Vision Vision


  • Be Open

    Be Open

    Empower your team with transparent information.。

  • Stay Uncomfortable

    Stay Uncomfortable

    Question the status quo and aim high.

  • Kizuna / Kinship

    Kizuna / Kinship

    Support and improve each other.

  • Go Global

    Go Global

    Taking on the world as a team.

  • Move Fast

    Move Fast

    Move, then correct quickly.

  • Be Productive

    Be Productive

    Producing outcomes in bulk.

  • Speak Out

    Speak Out

    Speak politely and honestly.

  • Keep Learning

    Keep Learning

    Grow by learning.

  • Keep A Good Mood

    Keep A Good Mood

    Always be in a good mood.

  • Embrace Differences

    Embrace Differences

    Understand and respect each other’s differences.

Colorkrew’s Belief

To inherit and pass on our belief to the future.

  • The Origin of Our Company NameThe Origin of Our Company Name

    The Origin of Our Company Name

    What is “Colorkrew”?

    The company name “Colorkrew” is a mixture of 3 words. A global “Crew” of “Colorful” talents who create and provide IT “Color-Kuri” (カラクリ “mechanism” in Japanese) that will make “work” around the world exciting. Our products and services will add a smile to workers around the world and enrich their lives.

  • Origin of the Symbol BrandOrigin of the Symbol Brand

    Origin of the Symbol Brand

    The symbol mark represents “the world” itself, the stage for our business, and “people,” which are the foundation of our organization. Furthermore, it expresses our vision of becoming a global company. The colored parts, representing the five continents, also inherit the corporate colors of ISAO Corporation, our predecessor. The white part is a silhouette of a dynamic human figure, representing the image of our crew members growing and playing an active role worldwide.

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