We are pleased to announce that “Colorkrew Biz,” a business concierge tool that can be managed using QR codes, has been introduced to 700 companies.
With the increase of “hybrid work” that combines office work and telework, there is a growing need to reduce man-hours by systemizing the management of “nameless tasks” related to people, goods, and money.

What is Colorkrew Biz?

Colorkrew Biz is a business concierge tool that solves unnamed office tasks related to people, goods, and money using QR codes.
It was released in 2018 and has been adopted by more than 700 companies.

Introduction of 3 functions of Colorkrew Biz

Seating Chart

Visualize where people are by simply scanning QR codes for seats and spaces (meeting rooms). No longer do you need to be burdened with the nameless task of searching for people without knowing who or where they are when you are free-addressing or teleworking.
You can also manage hoteling by reserving seats one month in advance and meeting rooms six months in advance.


Works with Outlook in Office 365 to recommend the best time based on people and meeting room availability. No more nameless Tasks™ to check and adjust each person’s schedule and meeting room availability.
You can easily make adjustments on your smartphone as well.


Invite guests when reserving spaces (meeting rooms) such as reception and conference rooms from the seating chart (PC/smartphone compatible), and easily manage guest entry using QR codes.
There is also an extensive reporting function that also serves as proof of entry.

Equipment management

Smartly manage things by simply scanning QR codes for assets and loaned items.
There is no more need to do manual writing on paper or searching for things to inventory assets or manage items on loan. It also comes with features specifically designed for inventory.


Manage lockers in conjunction with QR codes to minimize the cost of goods-related communication that occurs within your company.
With the notification and reminder functions, there is no need to communicate or remind people to receive or deliver packages anymore.


Send real mail by simply specifying the data and destination.
No more printing, stamping, envelope sealing, and postage - all the nameless tasks™ that go into sending mail.

3. The nameless job of money

In-House Payments

Cashless payment for coffee, office snacks and snacks, lunch boxes, etc. No more “No-Name Tasks™” such as collecting, counting, and exchanging change for cash.
A point function is also included for internal incentives.

Appointments are available.

We are always accepting appointments.
We can provide you with more information about Colorkrew Biz, including service details and case studies.
If you are interested, please contact us at the following address.

Click here for inquiries

We can provide guidance tailored to your needs and corporate environment, so please do not hesitate to contact us.