Colorkrew Intra” has been released as an internal portal CMS (Content Management System) that enables centralized management and confirmation of internal rules and information in order to solve the problem of “internal information fragmentation” created by the adoption of hybrid work systems.

What is Colorkrew Intra?

Colorkrew Intra is a service that consolidates company rules and information scattered throughout the company and allows users to flexibly grant viewing and editing privileges to each information page.
Colorkrew Intra also provides an in-house portal site with a modern design that employees will want to access.

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What Colorkrew Intra can do for you

Colorkrew Intra focuses on five main features

Customizable layout

Administrators can freely customize the layout within Colorkrew Intra.

Reliable Security

Colorkrew Intra leverages the knowledge we have accumulated over many years in the security business to build robust systems and services.

Modern design

With half of Colorkrew’s employees being non-Japanese, we provide a modern design that makes users want to access the site by taking advantage of global trends.

Use of AI chatbots *

We build AI chatbots that learn the information posted by each company and answer users’ questions.

Reachable search functionality

Provides an easy and excellent search function that allows users to quickly find the information they want.

* To be implemented soon

Advantages of using Colorkrew Intra

There are two main advantages to using Colorkrew Intra.

Easy initial setup

Colorkrew Intra can be used without any initial setup since user information is automatically linked to Colorkrew Intra if Colorkrew Biz is used.
Colorkrew Intra can also be linked to user information managed by Microsoft, eliminating the need for initial setup for new users of Colorkrew products.

Flexible authority management

Colorkrew Intra allows flexible management of user permissions.
Each message board or wiki article can be assigned a viewer and an editor, making operations safer and more secure.

In the future, we will further enhance the functionality of the system,
we will continue to enhance the functionality of Colorkrew Intra and create and deliver services that realize our vision of “Color Your Work with Excitement”.

Contact us For more information about Colorkrew Intra, please contact us for a detailed explanation of the service or to request a trial.
Please contact us at the following address.

Click here to contact us.