For those in charge of general affairs, information systems, and DX promotion who are concerned about the “2025 wall” that will soon come, we will exhibit “Colorkrew Biz” for managing office seating and meeting rooms, “Colorkrew ID” for managing employee lists and organization charts, and “Colorkrew Biz” for managing internal rules and information.
In addition, “Colorkrew Intra” for centralized management of company rules and information, “AIChat System” for internal use utilizing Azure OpenAI Servicec, and “Microsoft 365 Security Support” will be introduced at DX General Expo 2024 Summer. DX Comprehensive EXPO 2024 Summer.
The “2025 Wall” is a term presented by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) in its DX Report.
As the shift to DX advances, more and more companies are expected to review the quality and state of their existing services.
At this exhibition, we will propose services, including countermeasures, for the “Wall of 2025.
What is DX Comprehensive EXPO 2024 Summer?
It is one of the largest DX comprehensive exhibitions in Japan, where DX solutions for improving business efficiency, reforming work styles, and strengthening management foundations gather under one roof.
At this exhibition, HR, general affairs, accounting, DX promotion, marketing, sales, and management of companies considering DX can compare and study the latest products and services, and learn the latest trends at DX seminars by distinguished lecturers.
Reference : DX Comprehensive EXPO 2024 Summer
Exhibit Details
Dates: June 11 (Tue.) - 13 (Thu.), 2024, 10:00 - 17:00 Venue: Tokyo Big Sight Booth Location: South 1-4 Booth no: S24-08
* Visitor registration is required in advance to visit the exhibition. Please register at the following URL https://innovent02.eventos.tokyo/web/portal/730/event/8724/users/register?_gl=1%2akqceru%2a_ga%2aMjE0NzA1MzY5Ni4xNzE1ODIwODE5%2a_ga_V7NLJC3SRB%2aMTcxNTkxODg3OS4zLjEuMTcxNTkxODg3OS42MC4wLjA
About Colorkrew ID, which enables centralized management of complex information
Colorkrew ID is a platform that allows you to use the services provided by Colorkrew in a cross-functional and flexible manner.
It is possible to centrally manage complex usage scenarios, such as service verification by one department or a project involving various departments, as well as usage by the organization as a whole. Colorkrew Intra also provides organization chart and employee list functions that are useful for managing an organization.
About Colorkrew Intra
Colorkrew Intra enables centralized management of company rules and information.
Colorkrew Intra is an internal portal site that aims to solve the problem of “internal information fragmentation” caused by hybrid work.
About OpenAI ・Security Support
Azure OpenAI Service provides the engine of Chat GPT as a PaaS on Microsoft Azure as a commercial product of OpenAI. Azure OpenAI Service is a service that enables quick PoC with enterprise-level security.
Security Support is a service that provides comprehensive support for the introduction of security services that can be used with Microsoft 365 licenses and subsequent monitoring operations.
For more information about Colorkrew Biz and other services, please contact us.
We would like to provide better services to as many people as possible.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the exhibition.